FusionReactor Java agent manual installation

Simple to install, easy to use – start monitoring in minutes

1. Download the files

Download the the FusionReactor Jar and Debugger lib file: FusionReactor Jar Debug Libs


2. Install & Configure the Java agent

1. In your app server’s root directory, create a unique directory in the FusionReactor Instance directory and copy the FusionReactor JAR and the (environment specific) Debugger lib file (downloaded previously) into this directory:

NOTE – the directory created must have READ/WRITE permissions for the user running the server being monitored
Windows C:\FusionReactor\instance\INSTANCE_NAME
Linux /opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME

See Installation Documentation for all environments

2. Edit the JVM settings of the application server that you want to monitor and add the following options to your JVM arguments:

FR_OPTS="-javaagent:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/fusionreactor.jar=address=8088 -agentpath:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/libfrjvmti_x64.so”


  • Windows

-javaagent:C:/FusionReactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/fusionreactor.jar=address=8088 -agentpath:C:/FusionReactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/frjvmti_x64.dll

  • Mac OS

-javaagent:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/fusionreactor.jar=address=8088 -agentpath:/opt/fusionreactor/instance/INSTANCE_NAME/libfrjvmti_x64.dylib

3. Restart your Application Server for the changes to take effect e.g. Tomcat


3. Login to FusionReactor and activate the trial license

1. Enter http://localhost:8088 in your web browser and log into FusionReactor – you will prompted to create an Admin password

2. Activate Your TRIAL License

  1. Go to the FusionReactor / About page here
  2. Enter your FusionReactor TRIAL license key in the field provided and click the Apply button
  3. You should receive a message that the license has been activated

ATTENTION If your server is NOT connected to the interenet

  1. You will need to perform a Manual Activation
  2. Follow the instructions explained in the documentation



Important Points to Note

  1. The address port (8088) must be different for each instance that you have on the same host. People typically use 8088, 8089, 8090 etc.
  2. INSTANCE_NAME should reflect the instance you are installing into e,g, tomcat7
  3. You should have appropriate permissions to create the directory and the application service will have to have appropriate RW access
  4. The Debugger supports 3 different 64 bit operating systems – you will be required to use the lib files for your system:
Library Operating System
libfrjvmti_x64.so Linux 64-bit
frjvmti_x64.dll Windows 64-bit
libfrjvmti_x64.dylib MacOS 64-bit
  • Java only allows one debugger at a time to be used. If you use JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) you need to disable it to use FusionReactor Debugger. Having 2 configured will result in a warning from FusionReactor saying it cannot acquire the capabilities to debug the Java server. Please remove lines like this from the java arguments:




If you are updating an existing FusionReactor Instance.

  1. Download the latest FusionReactor JAR and the latest Debugger Lib zip file.
  2. Stop your application server.
  3. Replace the fusionreactor.jar file and the platform specific debugger lib file with the new ones (in the instance you’re updating).
  4. Start your application server.
  5. Log into FusionReactor locally.