Welcome to FusionReactor APM

The ultimate solution for finding and resolving exceptions in Java Applications. With our powerful suite of features, including metrics, traces, logs, profilers, and a production debugger

Everything you need to optimize your Java applications and keep them running smoothly

Welcome to FusionReactor APM, the ultimate solution for finding and resolving exceptions in Java Applications. With our powerful suite of features, including

  • metrics
  • traces
  • logs
  • profilers
  • production debugger

you’ll have everything you need to optimize your Java applications and keep them running smoothly.

Our customers have told us that using FusionReactor they have been able to isolate and fix errors 5X faster than before implementation and 87% of our users tell us that FusionReactor is easy to set up and easy to use.  Source G2.com

Metrics provides real-time data on the performance of your Java applications, so you can quickly identify and resolve any bottlenecks or issues

Traces allow you to track the flow of requests through your applications, making it easy to identify and fix any issues with your code.

FusionReactor APM: The Ultimate Solution for Finding and Resolving Exceptions in Java Applications, FusionReactor

Our log monitor gives you detailed information on any exceptions or errors that occur in your applications

Profilers allow you to drill down into the specific lines of code that are causing issues

Our production debugger, you can easily fix issues in your Java applications without having to stop them or take them offline

Fix Issues Faster

FusionReactor reduces the time it takes to pinpoint defects and performance bottlenecks in your code. We score highest for “Meets requirements” on G2.com.

Fast implementation

FusionReactor can be installed and setup in a matter of minutes – it’s really quick to implement; 52% of your customers go live in less than a day.

Outstanding support

Our support and customer success team has scored the highest rating on G2 for Quality of Customer Support for the last 3 years.

See how we compare to our competitors

What is Java technology and why do I need it?

In 1995, Sun Microsystems released Java, a programming language and computing platform. As a result, it is used as a platform for many digital services and applications, thereby powering a large share of the digital world today. New, innovative products and digital services designed for the future continue to rely on Java, as well.

Is Java free?

Yes, Java is free to download for personal use. Get the latest version at java.com.

Java is also free for development: developers can find all the development kits and other useful tools at https://www.oracle.com/javadownload/.

Java Resources

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